Following the success of the Practice Educator Conference on the 17th July 2019 with 150 practitioners in attendance. The keynote speakers and presenters have provided copies of their presentations for us to post here. Please see presentations attached.
Siobhan explores a specific method for opening up reflective supervision.
Prospera introduced participants to the MANDELA model and other useful frameworks for working effectively with students who are from different backgrounds, life experiences and circumstances. Prospera drew upon the findings from her doctoral study. Prospera’s doctoral research examined the experiences of Black African Students on social work placements in England and found that this group of students experienced more placement breakdowns and/or termination of placements than other groups of students.
Catherine primarily delivered practice education programmes in social work. Prior to being a university lecturer, she worked as a social worker, working in Adults and Children services. Catherine has also worked as a training officer delivering training on the protection of children in two Local authorities.
In this presentation Siobhan introduced the use of SHARE as a model for practice learning. Specifically she will explore the way that placements can be viewed as a learning journey – for both the student and Practice Educator. Siobhan illustrated from her own practice the use of reflexivity in practice placements and supporting students to develop their own learning maps.
A brief overview as to the challenges in working with struggling or failing students in practice learning settings. The workshop will then focus on having “courageous conversations” (Beddoe and Davys, 2016), in other words, discussing explicitly with students or staff, concerns raised about their practice or performance. The workshop is therefore highly interactive and aims to make you more confident in having “courageous conversations” with students, staff and other professionals.
This workshop focuses on the Transparency of Assessment in Practice Environments model will be explained, and participants will be encouraged to explore employing the principles of the tool within their own assessment practice; this includes with students, newly qualified staff, those undertaking CPD and even within the assessment of service users.